
Let the Leaves Fall

Mikey Sackrider | “For spring to bloom in full, the ground and trees must first undergo a season of death. It’s necessary to make room for something better, something more abundant. It’s the death within us that leads to the most beautiful life.”

Kingdom Service

Carryn Osborn | “Someone once told me that I was saying the wrong prayer when asking God to show me His desire for my life. Instead of asking for Him to reveal my next move, I should instead ask that His Kingdom would replace the worldly Kingdom I’ve built for myself.”

Life House Legacy

Justin Boudreaux | “Before I could even think of a response, God spoke, “To continue the legacy of spreading the gospel of Jesus through this place.””

The Idol of Ideals

Josh Clark | “When we submit our wills and desires to God, he provides everything our ideals promise but fail to deliver. By embracing the ideals of the Gospel, we are molded into the image of Christ.”

The Children Are Listening

Logan Hahn | “Whether in their imaginary play, or their curiosity in nature, or their creating or drawing or writing or singing, every day all creation is telling a story–and these children–they are listening.”

Saturday Morning Coffee

Meghann Arnold | “When you allow God’s people into the messiest and most beautiful parts of your life, you’re practicing community. It’s messy, it’s inconvenient at times, and it’s also incredibly beautiful and edifying.”

A Place of Transformation

Olivia Honey | “I see glimpses of Heaven often at Ozark: individuals using their separate giftings and devoting their whole lives to worship their Creator while inviting others to do the same thing.”

Walking with Jesus

Raina Songer | “God didn’t promise us that life would be easy, but He does promise He is with us.”

Not in Our Hands

Maggie Schade | “I remember saying, “I just wish I was in control of everything!” And God, in his ever so patient and gentle way, spoke to my heart and said, “I’m so glad you’re not, because it means I am.”

Your Attention, Please

Jed Moody | “It’s up to us not only to remove certain things from our attention time but to replace those things with what really deserves our attention. To intentionally choose one thing over another, for where your attention is, there your time will be also.”

Gospel Impact in India

Mark Miller | “In the primary language of India, the word “Orphan” means “godless child.” However, there are no godless children here at CICM..”

The Promise of the Future

Jessica Scheuermann | “It’s not just that I’m bad at predicting future events, it’s that I also can’t see the future’s ripple effects either.”

Wired to Serve

Dan Toney | “Part of being made in God’s image means that he wired us to care for others. It’s in our DNA. He made us to care for others just like he cares for us.”

Ducks, Labyrinths and Gifts from God

Theresa Barnes | “LORD, I hear you, and I see you. Your message is clear to me. It is you who is speaking. It is you who is leading. It is you. I believe!”

Heroes & Villains

Brad Warren | “Jesus’ call on my life has been pretty simple when it comes to this: anything that tells me I’m better than another person is a lie. Likewise, anything that pits me against another person who is created in the image of God is a lie.”

In Every Circumstance

Delaney Salva | “Contentment is a state of mind or being where someone is satisfied in God no matter their circumstances.”

The Healing Gift of Music

Cindy Cutler | “Each person’s grief story was different, yet the same: Someone was loved, and death took that someone away.”

Four Pillars of Fatherhood

Peter Buckland | “Reflecting God as men requires our commitment to be trustworthy, connected, merciful, and protective.”

Love God with Your Mind

Chad Ragsdale | “⁣Over time, we come to think like those we imitate. Imitate a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a celebrity for very long and eventually your way of thinking will be a reflection of theirs.”

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