Our Thursday Night gatherings now begin at 6:30pm!

Join us on the pathway of completeness in Jesus.

THURSDAYS 6:30PM | SUNDAYS 8:00AM 9:15AM 10:45AM


Featured Events

Food Collection September 12 & 15

Many children in our area don’t have enough food at home so their primary meal happens while at school. On September 12 + 15, we are collecting food for students to take home on weekends allowing them to return on Monday fed and ready to learn. Fill a grocery bag with apple sauce, granola bars, peanut butter crackers or pudding cups and drop it by Impact table in the lobby.


September 21
Neighborhood Life House

Join us for our first all-ages Impact Day and come together for an afternoon of community and service. Discover more about our local Impact partner – Neighborhood Life House, engage in prayer and generosity, and experience firsthand the power of community gospel outreach. 


October 13

Fall is just around the corner! Come enjoy a time for our whole Christ’s Church family to gather for an evening of free food, fellowship and fall-related fun. Mark your calendars, invite your friends and neighbors, and bring some lawn chairs for some fun for the whole family!

Latest Gathering:

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