
Making an Impact

Impacting our community and world for the sake of God’s Kingdom isn’t a calling that some of us have and some of us don’t. If we’ve experienced the goodness of God and the hope of the Gospel, we cannot help but be moved to compassion and action for those who need him. Getting started can seem daunting, but below you will find two platforms we use to make you aware of needs and opportunities in our community and across the world for you to be a part of.


Neighborhood Life House

Neighborhood Life House serves the Northwest Joplin area, a neighborhood rich in story and history. They work with members of the neighborhood to empower people to see who they can be with the help of God through mentoring, education, and physical and spiritual partnership.

Chimes of a Home by Addie Jarrett

Ding dong. Ding dong. This is the typical chime sound that you hear as you walk through the front door of Neighborhood Life House. It’s an ordinary sound. There’s nothing too special or unique about this chime. I’ve heard it so many times that it’s easy to go unnoticed, like white noise…”

Pray for opportunities to connect with new neighbors that have recently moved into the neighborhood and prayers for our current students going through tough situations.

Pray for our volunteers who serve with our programs each week, that they will continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit so our students will come to know and love Jesus.

Pray for the Kingdom of God to shine so much in our neighborhood that the darkness flees and has no place here in North Heights.

Right Here Right Now

Sharing the love and hope of Jesus with our local community one dollar bill at a time. We encourage everyone in our Christ’s Church family to bring $1 for every person in their household each week we gather. We also encourage our church to submit a request to Right Here Right Now when a financial or service need arises in the lives of those around them (friends, family, neighbors, coworkers). Right Here Right Now works to offer resources that will not only eliminate the immediate need but also eradicate the cause of that need.

If you would like to give directly to the ministry of Right Here Right Now, follow the link to give and simply designate your gift to Right Here Right Now.

How does the
Right Here Right Now process work?

Frequently Asked Questions

Right Here Right Now money is an amount of money collected every Sunday to radically change the lives of the people in the community around us. Every Sunday we ask people to give just $1 per person, per family on top of their regular giving. $1 is somewhat irrelevant, but 2,300 one-dollar bills could radically change someone’s life. That’s the purpose of the Right Here Right Now money; to allow others in our community to know that there is a group of people who love them and that Jesus loves them.

Outside each of the Adult Worship Center doors, there are black boxes where you can place your $1 bills. If you have monetary denominations that are larger than a dollar that you would like to designate for Right Here Right Now, you can put that amount in giving envelope found in the seat back in front in the worship center, designate it “Right Here Right Now” and place it in the black boxes. You can also write checks to “Christ’s Church of Oronogo” and designate in the memo line, “Right Here Right Now.” Another way you can give to Right Here Right Now is online at and designate your gift to Right Here Right Now. If you have kids, pre-teens, or teenagers just send their dollar with them and they will have times in their areas of worship to give for Right Here Right Now.

Right Here Right Now money goes directly from you, to be counted and assessed, and then it is distributed to the needs in our community.

We are made aware of the needs in our community from you filling out a Right Here Right Now request form: Online Request Form. If you need assistance filling out this form, visit the Welcome Center in the lobby.

When a need is present in the life of a neighbor, co-worker, friend or relative we would like for you to fill out a Right Here Right Now Request form. Those forms can be located at any of the welcome centers located at the main entrances of the church. You can also fill out our Online Request Form. You can turn those request forms in at any of the Welcome Centers as well as in the hanging mailboxes located directly outside the Main Worship Center.

As we receive the requests we put them in a database allowing a committee to see who has a need, what the need is, and who submitted the request form making us aware of the need. When that request form is received you will receive an email letting you know that we’ve gotten your request and are looking it over.

If your request is selected, we will contact you to deliver to the co-worker, family or friend that is in need, or to help facilitate volunteers for the project. If it is finances, then we will write a check for the need, but give the check to you to deliver. If it is a project, we will contact a crew of volunteers and schedule a time with you to be a part of accomplishing the task. We desire this to be an opportunity for you to allow the people in your life with needs to know that Jesus loves them. For a minister they’ve never met to meet a need for them wouldn’t hold the same representation as a friend they do life with.

We would love for you to let us know how the delivery of the need went. It is such an edifying thing for the church to know the stories of healing and grace that are offered through the opportunities of the Holy Spirit and His leading.

Foster Care

One of the clearest calls in scripture is to care for the vulnerable, and though not everyone may be called to be a foster parent, there are so many ways to serve those in the foster care system. Discover ways you can get involved in caring for kids, families, and workers in our community in the foster care system.

Impact Partners

Blackbox International

Dominican Republic | Haiti | Joplin, MO

Blackbox International is a faith-based, Christ-centered, not-for-profit organization that exists to holistically rehabilitate formerly sex-trafficked boys and young men. Blackbox provides the critical aftercare component for boys rescued from sex trafficking in order to help them find healing from their past, joy in the present, and purpose for their future. Blackbox is currently providing care for boys and young men in their safe-home in the Dominican Republic and are currently building their next campus in Haiti.


Central India Christian Mission


India is located within the 10/40 window that is home to the majority of the world’s unreached people groups. CICM has a team of dedicated church planters who regularly start new ministries in these unreached regions. Additionally, CICM has 3 Bible colleges, 5 children’s homes, a nursing school, mission hospital and other ministries that equip and raise up church planters.


Christ In Youth

Joplin, MO

For more than fifty years, CIY has always found the best ways to create moments that inspire Kingdom Work. Methods change but the hope of the Gospel remains the same. And even as the needs of the local church change, CIY is still working on Her behalf. By amplifying the call of Christ on student lives, three generations of servants, workers, missionaries and church leaders have responded to that call. Today, CIY works in partnership with the local church, providing more than 100 annual program events for students and leaders across the United States and in more than ten foreign countries.


Ciudad de Gracia

Albuquerque, NM

Ciudad de Gracia is a Spanish-speaking church plant in Albuquerque, NM. Abiel and Emily Diaz lead this church which launched in the fall of 2016. Located in the international district, this church seeks to reach both first generation and long-term Spanish-speaking residents of Albuquerque.


Con Mis Manos


Con Mis Manos is a ministry that reaches out to the Deaf in Matamoros, Mexico. Chuy & Michelle Zuniga, founders and leaders of Con Mis Manos, provide a safe place where the Deaf can live, learn valuable skills and experience the family of Christ.


Cookson Hills

Kansas, OK

Since 1957, Cookson Hills has provided a nurturing home, quality Christian education, and therapy services in Northeast Oklahoma. Cookson Hills serves kids ages 5-17 who want to write a better story for their lives and have faced challenges with family life, school truancy, homelessness, poor peer relationships, or experienced abuse and neglect. The staff and volunteers come together to fulfill our vision- to raise up healthy individuals who are empowered to positively impact future generations.


Ethan & Audrey Greer


Ethan and Audrey serve with Mustard Seed to plant churches in Japan. Most of Japan is considered unreached which means people haven’t had the chance to hear the Good News about Jesus. The Greer’s started out serving with a church in Osaka and are currently working with a church plant in Sendai, Japan.


Fostering Hope

Joplin, MO

Fostering Hope provides hope, support and resources to children in foster care and their families. They partner with the local Children’s Division as well as local churches, businesses and organizations to provide for the needs of children in foster care and their families.


Jay & Caitlin Greer


The Greers work with Mustard Seed Network to plant churches in unreached areas. In 2011, they planted their first church in Osaka, Japan, and in 2020, they planted a church in Tokyo, the core of the world’s largest urban area by both population (37 million people) and economy ($2 trillion). This church continues to grow and is part of a larger church-planting movement to reach Japan with the hope of Christ.


Kenroy & Stephanie Clarke


Caribbean Missions is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the region. Kenroy leads Church Village Church of Christ on the island of Barbados. He travels extensively throughout the islands, preaching and teaching the word of God. They are also working with other leaders to start new churches.


Kritsana Udomsrirat


Kritsana lives in the village of MaeHongSon (MHS). She leads a ministry called Asian Women and Children. Her ministry there is providing God’s message, a home, and education for children, who have little hope for a bright future. (The kids named the house and grounds ‘Eden’). Many of these children come from the mountain village of MaeAw, where Kritsana started and oversees a Chinese school for over 100 refugee children (through the 6th grade). Kritsana continues to spread the Good News wherever God leads.

Life Choices


Joplin, MO

The LifeChoices Clinics reach out with the love of Christ by providing free and confidential services to individuals facing a sexual health crisis such as an unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection. Through Connection Institute, the prevention services branch of LifeChoices, students in area public and private schools receive information about making healthy choices in relationships. LifeChoices also has a mobile medical unit that provides on-site services and provides on-site support for local and regional law enforcement combating trafficking in our region.


Mac & Olivia Johnson


Mac & Olivia Johnson serve with Proem Ministries and have two daughters, Heidi, and Hallie. They have been living in Poland since February of 2019 in the city of Piotrków Trybunalski. As evangelists and church planters they serve through various programs and projects to connect people to the hope and freedom that can only be found in Jesus.

Read more of their story here.


Maranatha Bible Camp

Everton, MO

Maranatha Bible Camp is a year-round ministry dedicated to bringing the best in Christian, Bible-based camp experiences. The mission of Maranatha is to challenge all people, especially children and youth, to know Jesus Christ and to mature in Him.


Nathan Storms


Nathan is preparing to move to Japan with Mustard Seed Network, joining their mission of making disciples among the unreached there. Before graduating from Ozark Christian College in 2020 (and while interning with Christ’s Church’s Impact ministry), Nathan began following the Lord’s prompting toward Japan. Upon moving in early spring 2024, he will join the newest Mustard Seed Church in Yokohama.


Neighborhood Life House

Joplin, MO

Neighborhood Life House serves the Northwest Joplin area, a neighborhood rich in story and history. They work with members of the neighborhood to empower people to see who they can be with the help of God through mentoring, education, and physical and spiritual partnership.


Ozark Christian College

Joplin, MO

Many people want to serve God and make a difference with their lives, but they aren’t sure where to start. Ozark Christian College prepares students for the kingdom assignment God has for them. Ozark’s 15,000 alumni serve in all 50 states and in 100 countries around the world, carrying the gospel to every corner of the globe as ambassadors for Christ.


PSU Campus Christians

Pittsburg, KS

Campus Christians at Pittsburg State University is a non-denominational organization reaching out to believers of all church backgrounds. Our events and programs range from a weekly worship service and in-depth Bible studies and discussion groups to lunches, road trips and coffee houses. Our students have a wide variety of interests and involvement on campus, and it is our prayer that not a day goes by that the students of Pittsburg State are not influenced and encouraged by the ministry of Campus Christians.


Rapha International

Cambodia, Thailand, Haiti & Joplin, MO

In 2003, Rapha International began serving trafficking survivors in Battambang, Cambodia through holistic Survivor Care. Today Rapha operates two Survivor Care campuses, located in Battambang & Siem Reap, two Prevention centers, and two centers for transitional living and community-based services. Rapha opened a Survivor Care campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2009. In 2014, Rapha began serving vulnerable children and families with Prevention services in Mae Sot. In 2014, Rapha began serving survivors in residential care in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Since then, despite enormous challenges posed by gang violence, political unrest, and extreme poverty, Rapha has delivered life-saving services in partnership with transnational organizations in Haiti. In 2020, Rapha established the Hope and Healing Center in Joplin, MO, beginning a new chapter in which Rapha provides services to survivors in the US. This ministry exists to provide trauma-focused therapy for child, teen, and adult survivors of a variety of traumas, including violence, sexual abuse, and trafficking, in order to promote lifelong hope and healing.

local, international

Sam & Rachel Martin


Sam & Rachel serve with Mustard Seed to plant churches in Japan. Most of Japan is considered unreached which means people haven’t had the chance to hear the Good News about Jesus. They are currently working to plant a church in Yokohama, Japan.


Tanner & Delaney Salva


The Salvas are church planters working with Mustard Seed Network to plant churches in urban Japan. Japan is one of the most unreached countries in the world, and 99% of the people do not know Jesus. The Salvas live in the city of Sapporo and are in the early stages of planting a church in the city.


Todd & Angela Owen

Papua New Guinea

Todd and Angela Owen serve with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. Since the late 90s they’ve worked with and discipled the Garia people to translate the New Testament into their own language. Their goal is to finish the entire New Testament by 2027. Currently, they are finalizing the translation of the pastoral epistles.

Join their prayer list here.


Watered Gardens

Joplin, MO

Watered Gardens exists to serve the local Church in its mission to help the poor in Jesus’ name. Their desire is to see the Church boldly engaged with the homeless and poor relationally, responsibly, and compassionately. They offer a variety of services and basic needs to families including overnight shelter, meals, home goods, as well as providing spiritual guidance to those they serve.


Have questions or need prayer? Contact us.

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