It is our desire that you would experience completeness in Jesus.

To be complete in Jesus, you must believe who Jesus is; to experience completeness in Jesus, you must believe what he believes. Beliefs pour forth from the center of our hearts and inform both what we desire and how we live. Pathways are not tasks to make you holy, they are a meeting place where you can be with the Holy One. It’s only in communion with God that our beliefs are changed, our desires are reordered, and our actions become holy.

Below you will find three major pathways God has given to experience life with him, which can be enjoyed in diverse ways and at different depths. Whether you are exploring who God is, growing in your relationship with him, living a life in closeness, or in Christ-centeredness, God wants to be with you.

Unsure of where to start?

Every person who wants to be with God needs to know where to begin. Some are exploring God for the first time and don’t know how to pray, others have made a faith commitment in God, but want to grow in their knowledge of him, and there are still many who simply want new ways to be with God but don’t know where to look. We have created this assessment to understand what might benefit you in experiencing completeness in Jesus no matter where you find yourself on the journey.

Rhythms and resources chosen specifically for where you are on your journey with Jesus.

Pathways Sermons

Pathways Podcast

also available on these platforms:

Have questions?
Contact Scott.

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Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him.  Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.