Christ’s Church Men

Men’s Breakfasts

April 11 6:00 – 7:30am Mining Days Event Center

A few Fridays a semester we get together to eat breakfast, be challenged by speakers and build community. Invite your friends, neighbors and coworkers and sign up for the days you are planning to join us so we can have plenty of food.

Men’s Groups

These groups meet every other week to foster community, growth, and accountability with other men. On the off weeks, guys engage in one-on-one meetups with another member of the group, allowing for deeper connections and personalized encouragement. Each group chooses its study materials to fit the interests and needs of the men and the size of the groups vary depending on the leaders and meeting place. If you are looking to dive deeper into Jesus and community, join a group this semester!

Men’s Conference

March 28-29 Adult Worship Center

Have Questions?Contact Spencer

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