Mornings mark the threshold of something new. The first light of dawn signals the end of night and the start of a new day, bringing hope and renewal. The time when life reasserts itself into the world as each person or creature awakes.

Morning is a time of awareness of God’s perpetual reliable goodness: God’s steadfast love and mercy “are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam 3:23); “weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning,” (Psalm 30:5) and, “every morning He shows forth His justice, each dawn He does not fail” (Zeph 3:5). It is in the morning when God’s people are satisfied with His steadfast love.

Isaiah 60 paints a beautiful picture of God’s people awaiting the glorious morning of Christ’s return:

(v1-2) Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you, and His glory appears over you.

(v19) The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.

Advent is this expectation of the ever-increasing light that will snuff out all darkness—this promise of God for all generations that those walking in darkness will see a great light.

But for now, we wait. Somedays, we wait patiently. Somedays, we wait with tears and frustration. Somedays, we wonder if God has forgotten His promise. But with each new dawn, we are reminded that light entered our dark world with Christ’s birth and brought forth hope, peace, joy and love. And as we wait, we trust in this promise that one day, when least expected, Christ will return. Join us this Advent season as we wait expectantly for this glorious morning to come

Advent Devotional Guide


The wonder and awe of the Christmas season can easily get overshadowed by lights, tinsel, bows, and paper―not to mention last-minute trips to the mall and visits to the in-laws. In all the hustle and bustle, we often lose sight of what’s most important. This book of daily readings for the month of December by best-selling author Paul David Tripp will help you slow down, prepare your heart, and focus on what matters most: adoring our Savior, Jesus.

Purchase in the Pathways Center for $8 or online below.

About Advent

Advent is the Latin word for “coming” or “arrival”. It is a season on the church calendar that has been celebrated around the world for centuries. This is a four-week period leading up to Christmas in which we slow down, look back to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus, and anticipate his second coming as our King. Each week we focus on a different promise that Christ’s coming has brought: hope, peace, joy, and love. Just as John the Baptist told God’s people to “prepare” for Christ to come, we encourage one another to be prepared for his coming again. When he comes all of God’s promises will be fulfilled and all things will be made new.

of Advent

Need a playlist to get you in the Advent mindset? These songs are a mix of what you will hear in our gatherings this year, along with others we believe will help you focus your mind and heart on the coming of our King.