
Sympathetic Savior

Brad Warren | “And if I wake up tomorrow not feeling alone, praise Jesus. But regardless, whatever test comes next, he will be ready for me, having suffered it, having endured it, having overcome it, to say, “I got through this, and I’m gonna sit with you until you get through it, too.”

Crash Bandicoot & Stepping With the Spirit

Emilee Mitchell | “My best efforts at becoming a better me pale in comparison to the richness of the life that God offers when I keep in step with the Spirit.”

Feet to Prayers

Stephanie Clarke | “We gather because building this legacy of faith demands that praise to God be our sacrifice and prayer to God be our chief work.”

Life of a Body

Jessica Scheuermann | “God designed his Body, the Church, so that our individual needs are met, the community flourishes, and he is glorified.”

It’s Raining Tomatoes

Dan Toney | “God never wears out and he understands what we are going through. He wants us to throw our burdens on His shoulders.”

When Life Doesn’t Make Sense 

Dennis Hounshell | “Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. My sincere hope is that when we experience grief, we will remember the One who has overcome it all and remember that He is with us through it all.”

Different yet the Same

Sam Martin | “There are many differences, but much of the time I am doing the same things many of you are doing because we are living for the same God and following his word that transcends culture, time, and place.”

Semper Incipe

Darrin King | “⁣God is unchanging, and yet He is always beginning in His love toward us.”

Future Promise & Present Reality

Ruthie Bond | “⁣Even when my journey brings me to a valley where death’s sting lingers, I won’t be overcome, because You are with me. Your hand is steady and Your heart is tender. Your love has always repurposed broken things.”


Amy Storms | “Celebrating God’s goodness shifts and lifts our focus from the here and now to his everlasting love.”

Fueled by Your Prayers

Ethan Greer | “We’re back now. The church is still there. Church planters are still there. The harvest is still plentiful. The workers are still few. The need is still great. And it is all still fueled by your prayers.”

The Fight for Peace

Tyler Bade | “Christians are also a people of surrender, which is the beautiful dance that the gospel of the Kingdom of God presents to us – we fight best when we surrender; we work hardest when we let go.”

Tales from the Tree

Allison Stump | “Whatever season you are facing now, you will never regret learning and growing closer to God while you are in it.”

Swimming with Santa

Taylor Miller | “It’s about creating a familiar space in our hearts and minds where His truth can reside—a space that draws us back to Him even when life feels chaotic.”

‘Tis the Season!

Alyssa Tournear | “It is because of Jesus’ love for you that he gave up everything so that we might experience this unalterable, perfect love.”

Right Here Right Now

Sarah + Adam Neldeberg | “RHRN is more than just financial assistance; it’s a tangible way to reach out and remind our neighbors that they are not alone.”

A New Name

Martin Russow | “We are no longer strangers, we have been brought into the family, we’ve been given a new name and our Father cares for us as his own.”

Transformed by His Glory

Yvonne Wickenkamp | “He sees me, even when it feels like no one else does. He knows me. He knows my needs, my fears, my desires, my sins, my thoughts and motives…and yet He cares enough to place His hand on me, to direct me, to comfort and love me.”

Legacy of Faith

Isaac Schade | “There is Christlike compassion in that little five-year-old that this 40-year-old man is still trying to figure out. She loves the church fiercely. She wants to soak up as many Bible stories as she can and read them again and again and again.”

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