
Four Pillars of Fatherhood

Peter Buckland | “Reflecting God as men requires our commitment to be trustworthy, connected, merciful, and protective.”

Love God with Your Mind

Chad Ragsdale | “⁣Over time, we come to think like those we imitate. Imitate a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a celebrity for very long and eventually your way of thinking will be a reflection of theirs.”

What’s your Ebenezer?

Chip Songer | “It is safe to say God knows we are pretty bad at remembering. Time and time again, throughout the Bible, God commands his people to set up reminders of His faithfulness.”

When Peace Attendeth My Way

Peyton Marple | “Grief now married to this inexplicable peace. The presence of God, who is light and life and light, met the hopelessness and heaviness of losing a loved one.”

Marriage and the Little Things

Dennis Hounshell | “It doesn’t always take a major overhaul for relationships to improve. And even a little improvement can create lasting momentum for growing stronger, healthier relationships.”

Grace Amid Chaos

Brennan Breuer | “It is in this messiness that God wants to use flawed people like us – in the residue of abandonment, abuse of every kind, grief, and loneliness.”

Thanks Marv

Taylor Miller | “Why do we sometimes have the hardest time believing the most liberating truths?”

A Week in Poland

Lydia Meredith | “⁣As a Christian, I am claiming to live in accordance with the Spirit, so if I ignored God’s calling to me simply because it was inconvenient, would I be living in a way consistent with my claim? Are my actions answering to my flesh, or to the Spirit?”

Around Thailand Tables

Karli Montgomery | “As our food was being prepared, [Kritsana] asked a question that continues to resonate with me: ‘How can I see a prisoner’s status or future? Look at the Heart of God instead of the heart of the world.'”

Packed and Ready

Jim Wickenkamp | “Even though we are not in our heavenly home, we are already citizens of our heavenly kingdom, and we can live daily in our King’s presence.”

Trusting God in Thailand

Lindsay Haddan | “We all have questions and uncertainties at times, but those are the moments when God wants us to trust Him and trust that we’ll be used for His glory.”

Worshipping With Angel

Ruthie Bond | “⁣Worship was not made to be reactionary to our reality. It’s what our heart was made to rest in.”

How Did I Get Here?

Allison Stump | “We all started healing when we connected to God and to His people. Was it easy? No. Was it instant? No. Was it worth it? Yes, a thousand times yes.”

“Dune”, Japan, and the Living God

Nathan Storms | “In just a few weeks, I’ll move to Japan with Mustard Seed Network to help spread the good news of Jesus to people who have never heard about Him.”

Mattering in Middle School

Flint Spencer | “When people start to see themselves as an asset to the Body of Christ, not just as passive attendants at church, they start to come alive.”

At Just the Right Time

Amy Storms | “⁣He had been right, but he’d hurt someone with his rightness. I ended with a sentence we said often in our home: ‘Being kind is better than being right.'”


Josh Clark | “Waiting is not mere idleness or an indefinite time of mediocrity. Waiting allows us to witness the beauty that God is working all around us in his timing.”

Oaks and Institutions

Ethan Greer | “When we first came to Japan, there was a missionary who told me, “Japan needs oaks.” He meant that the condition of the church in Japan is in need of mission work that will last a looong time. “

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