He has made himself available to be known. We  need to draw ourselves to him.

The heart is a precious thing. As much as I hate to admit it, I am someone driven by the heart. For a quite some time this really scared me. Growing up in church you often hear how important it is to guard your heart. As I grew, I started to guard my heart on my own. I keep it as though it belonged to me. But it craved intimacy. I was keeping my heart from the very thing it was created for. I needed intimacy with our God. I needed closeness to him. All this time my heart was thirsting for him.
David’s heart in Psalm 63 shows a beautiful example of a heart that thirsts for God. He longed for God. He craved more of God. He drew himself nearer. He found satisfaction in God. David writes in verse 3, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glory you.”
Intimacy means a close familiarity or friendship. Familiarity means we know someone. When trying to make a new friend, you have to spend time with that person. Talk with them. Open up your life to them. And though our God is so big, so much bigger than us, God wants us to know him. He has made himself available to be known. We need to draw ourselves to him.
Stillness. Presence. Meditation. Silence. Most of us would admit that these words are terrifying. We live in a world of movement. So much so that we brag about being busy. But God is there in the silence. He’s there in our stillness. Craving God means that we are longing for more. We are desiring a relationship with him. Our hearts are longing for a connection with him. Why would we hold it back from that satisfaction? May we give into this powerful desire. May we not fear to give our hearts to the one who created them. And may we be brave and active in our pursuit.
Take some time today to pray this prayer with me.
God, you are my God. Take my heart. It is yours.
Lord, may I draw closer to you. May I always thirst for more of you.
May my heart always long for you.
Make me brave, that fear doesn’t hold me back from you.
Teach me to be intentional in my relationship with you.
In the hardest times in my life, may I praise you. Lord, I want to know you.
I want to sit in your presence and simply be. Teach me to be stillness. Meet me there in my silence. Overpower the voices of the world.
God, may my joy be found in knowing you.
Let my heart be filled by you.

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