We are all actors in the story of bringing the Gospel to hurting people.

In Acts 8 Paul was persecuting the church, and the church of Jerusalem was scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Those that were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.
We see throughout Acts that God used people who didn’t necessarily have a formal education. There were no theology professors. God used these men and women, and the Holy Spirit worked through them as they preached the word.
Do we not have the same power today? The power of the Holy Spirit working through us, and each of us as followers of Christ has been given the power to speak truth to hurting people wherever we encounter them. I think that we often think the mission field is somewhere in another country, but really the mission field is where God has placed us now. God’s desire has always been and always will be to pull us into a relationship with Him and for us to show others that he desires a relationship with them.
We are all actors in the story of bringing the Gospel to hurting people to show them the love of Christ, no matter our experience or education level. We have been given the power by God to minister to others. The mission field is where you are today!

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