The early church did a few things very well and it worked.
Acts is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I enjoy reading and learning from the disciples as they were beginning their ministry and leading people to the Lord. This week’s passage (Acts 2:42-47) is an inspiring blue print of what happens when a group of people get on the same page and their desire is to show others Jesus.
This group of believers was devoted to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. Because of that, they began to see opportunities to share Christ with those that did not have a relationship with Him. And they did it in an selfless way; they shared their possessions. When a person is grateful for what God has done in their life, they begin to share their story with others. When a person begins to share their story, they begin to experience God’s grace and they are reminded what God has done in their life.
It’s not going to make sense to the world why a person would sell their possessions for the sake of Christ. It’s not going to make sense to the world to see a group of people having true joy and their desires being selfless and showing others love and compassion.
The early church did a few things, and they did them well. They kept Christ at the center. They did not stop learning about Christ. Their motives were selfless. They prayed together and didn’t get too busy. They enjoyed each others company, experiencing grace and forgiveness. And I am a Christian today because they were willing to follow Jesus.
So the challenge for my daily walk with Christ is to do a few things and strive to do them well.
- Read my Bible and believe what is says
- Pray continually
- Fellowship with believers and encourage each other
- Be selfless with my faith and the things I’ve been given
- Look for opportunities for share Christ with others