Life with Jesus is hard, but it is simple.

So, here we are in the Gospel according to Luke chapter six verses seventeen through twenty-six. Jesus has just invited twelve of His followers to lean closer into Him on a journey of apostleship. It is an exciting and scary time for these former/current disciples. The jump from discipleship (learner) to apostleship (sent one) means moving from learning to doing. Now, it isn’t as if the disciples hadn’t done anything previously, but there was a grander purpose for which they had been prepared. This was the invitation into apostleship. Have you ever noticed how good Jesus is at inviting people?
Have you ever noticed how good Jesus is at inviting people? Sometimes it’s a simple “come and see” (John 1:39), while other times it is a deeper “follow me” (John 1:43; Luke 9:23). Of course, whether we come and see or we follow there is a goal that Jesus has. His goal is to send us even as He was sent (John 17:18). This is the invitation He is giving to His disciples. This is the invitation He will ultimately give to us as we choose to “come and see” and to “follow”.
Before all of the sending, there is the discipleship, there is learning (Matthew 11:28-30). It is a challenging and rewarding journey. It is one that is incredibly hard, but it is also very simple. It takes dying to self and everything that would tear you away from Jesus, and in it you receive all that you could ever need and more – you receive Jesus who is the life giver and sustainer.
As we embrace a lifestyle of discipleship (which never ends) we will receive incredibly difficult challenges, but we will also receive the grace, strength, and equipping to walk through the challenges with Jesus. We will also receive incredible investment, grace, and blessings. Life with Jesus is hard, but it is simple. And, it all starts with accepting a simple invitation to “come and see”.

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