God as our Father desires a relationship with us where we want to communicate with Him.

Most people, no matter what background or belief system, have heard the Lord’s Prayer but I often wonder if people understand its meaning or if they say it so much that it is just cliché? Jesus taught people that prayer should come from a sincere desire for him and not out of ritual or for show. I have been confused in the past about the Lord’s Prayer since I understood that once we are forgiven by God we don’t need to be forgiven again; however, in the Lord’s Prayer, it states that we are to pray for forgiveness of our trespasses. And then it goes on to say if we don’t forgive we won’t be forgiven? What?
Actually, the Lord’s Prayer is for all believers of Jesus Christ, who once and for all, are forgiven people under the blood of Jesus, and they are to pray to God their Father, they are His children. But there are two kinds of forgiveness:
1. When you trust God as Savior you are eternally forgiven, a forgiveness that doesn’t need repetition or addition.
2. You can relate this forgiveness to that of a child and parent relationship that once you are in Gods family you have unconditional love and He doesn’t kick you out. But when you do wrong the Father expects you to ask for forgiveness, and as our Father, he gives it to us.
We should make note that in this passage the word Father is a recurring word and God as our Father desires a relationship with us where we want to communicate with Him.

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