The only thing that can change that is repentance, not good works.

Jesus is teaching the crowds with new challenging ideas when some present told him about Galileans whose blood recently got mingled with their temple sacrifices on account of Pilate, the Roman governor. Luke doesn’t explain why this crowd brings up this event, but we can infer by Jesus’ question to the crowd that there was some feeling that the Galileans suffered because of the way they lived their life. That in some way the amount, or perhaps level, of their sin resulted in their suffering of death. Jesus immediately disregards this idea because we all are headed to death and the only thing that can change that is repentance, not good works.
David would echo this idea in Psalm 51 when he states,
“For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”
So if we are to be someone that produces the fruit of the Spirit, escapes death and lives, David has given us a model in this prayer to follow. Use these steps as a way to center yourself today and repent, so God can “Create in you a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within you” (Ps. 51).
1. Confess the details of your sinfulness.
2. Acknowledge your inability to take your sins away.
3. Ask for the mercy of God.
4. Worship God for the mercy offered through Jesus.

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