I’m praying for God to focus my treasure and my heart on Kingdom things so that He may be more glorified in me and I may be more satisfied in Him.

In Luke 12, Jesus tells a parable of a rich young man who puts his hope in storing up as many possessions as possible. Jesus explains how this man dreamed big dreams of a life of luxury and abundance; only to realize it all meant nothing. Instead of choosing to use his wealth for the good of those around him, he chose to use it to selfishly build barns to store up more for himself.
How many times do I add more value to my money than it actually has? I imagine the fulfillment and joy that purchased things could bring me and long for those things. Throughout this Generations Campaign, Jesus has been opening my heart to understand the greater potential of my treasures. St. Augustine says that the rich man in the parable was “planning to fill his soul with excessive and unnecessary feasting and was proudly disregarding all those empty bellies of the poor. He did not realize that the bellies of the poor were much safer storerooms than his barns.”
What opportunities is God laying in front of me that will serve as much “safer storerooms” for my treasures than the unnecessary things I wish for? What things can I invest in that will have a far greater Kingdom impact than the dreams I have for my own desires?
Our family is choosing to make specific sacrifices for this campaign, but not because we feel like we have to or because we think it’s what “good Christians” do. We’re looking at the opportunities in front of us and trusting that God can do more with our dollars and cents than we could ever do. When we think of the kids that will be coming to the new Children’s Ministry area and experiencing God in new and fun ways, the families in Japan whose entire futures will be altered because of how God is moving through the Mustard Seed churches, or the people who will step foot in our building for the first time because we were able to offer a different worship setting and environment than what they knew before, we are overjoyed at the opportunity to join God in the work he is doing. We are humbled and grateful that He allows us to be a part of His Kingdom advancement in such incredible ways.
Luke 12: 34 says, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I’m praying for God to focus my treasure and my heart on Kingdom things so that He may be more glorified in me and I may be more satisfied in Him.

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