After I share my story of how God has changed me, I’m reminded that God’s way is better.

Take a moment to read Mark 5:1-20.
When I read the gospels about Jesus’ life, I feel inspired and hopeful. As I read through this passage another word comes to mind, peace. One of the definitions of peace is freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.
Sometimes we struggle to have peace in our lives; whether it’s because of our thoughts from our past, situations that are going on around us or because of sin. When I read about the demon-possessed man, I am encouraged, challenged and hopeful. Here’s why:

  1. Jesus knew his situation. Mark 5:1-6 describes the life this man was living. It’s obvious he was living a life of constant turmoil. His life was out of control and didn’t seem to ever have any peace.
  2. The demons knew Jesus and His power. Mark 5:6-11 tells us that when the demon-possessed man saw Jesus, he ran to him, dropped to his knees and shouted to Jesus, “What do you want with me Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!” Jesus is speaking with the demons and when he asked the demon for his name, the demon replies a number, not a name. By saying “Legion,” Jesus knew the man was possessed by an army of demons.
  3. Jesus controlled the demons. In Mark 5:11 we see that the demons beg Jesus to send them into the pigs. After Jesus gave permission, the evil spirits came out of the man and into the pigs.Verse 13 states that the evil spirits go into the herd of hogs that was around 2,000. The herd then rushes down a steep bank and were drowned.
  4. Jesus gave the man peace. There had to be a moment of stillness after the pigs all drowned. I have to think that no one said anything for a few minutes in shock of what they saw. And for there to be a man standing there that only minutes before was consumed by an army of demons now stands in complete peace. From chaos to calmness; what a sight that had to be!
  5. Jesus tells the man to tell his story. Mark 5:19, Jesus instructs the man to go and tell his family and others what the Lord had done. For the man to see his family and for them to see the clarity in his eyes and the peace inside him had to be overwhelming. The man was able to tell others what Jesus had done for him and scripture says that the people were amazed.

There is something very healing in telling others how God has helped us get through struggles and demons. It helps us to be reminded of the grace and forgiveness we’ve been given. And because of that, we can’t help but want to share our story with others.
After I share my story of how God has changed me, I’m reminded that God’s way is better. It gives me peace and hope.
So here are some challenges for you: Read the Bible daily to help you stay inspired and continue to grow in your love and devotion to Jesus. Have confidence in knowing that Jesus is more powerful than any sin or situation that holds you captive. And don’t be afraid to share your story of what God has done in your life.

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