My guess is that if we took a moment and looked back on our lives we would see something bigger than ourselves. We would see the Healer. We would see the Protector. We would see the Savior.

If you are anything like me then you have spent countless hours researching and scouring through reviews before you end up clicking the pay now button on Amazon. Or maybe you have tried on the same pair of jeans over and over again sending countless pictures to friends only to walk out of the store without the one thing you went there to get. It is hard to spend our hard earn cash on something that may not be the perfect gift or the perfect pair of jeans. We go through a gambit of questions. Will they like it? Is it worth it? Will people make fun of me? Will it last? These are all valid questions. And sometimes we will receive the answers we want and sometimes we won’t. Doing our homework is great. Asking questions, especially to those you trust will lead you in the right direction, but to get answers to these questions, we most certainly will have to take a step of faith.
As we take a look at John 6, we see Jesus continuing his discussion on one of the most theologically important topics in the Bible. Jesus explains that he is the bread of life. He is saying that he is the answer to all the questions that the people of been asking. Jesus wants people to know that the search is over and all their needs can be fulfilled in him. He uses one of the greatest physical human needs of hunger to illustrate his point. And out of all of the physical needs, this one brings a new dimension of not just a need, but a deep desire. We all want to eat. We want to be filled. We don’t want anything getting between our stomachs and us. The problem is that we have a hard time believing that Jesus is all that we need. And then we let the other questions begin to creep into our minds as well. Is it even worth it? Will it last? What will other people think? Will I like it?
These questions are ones we wrestle with on a regular basis. We do have some information to go off of though. And we have people that we can ask. The last several weeks we have seen how Jesus takes care of people. We saw him bring people back from the dead, heal the sick and make the lame walk. We have also seen his power over the waves of the sea and the demon possessed. Some of you are thinking about how long ago that happened and you want to see the answers to YOUR questions and feel the power in YOUR life. There are people around us who have felt the power of God and seen his hand at work. Go ask them. And my guess is that if we took a moment and looked back on our lives we would see something bigger than ourselves. We would see the Healer. We would see the Protector. We would see the Savior. Take time to really evaluate your life. If you are still having a hard time seeing the answers to your questions, it is going to be ok, because we have a God who is patient and loving. Sometimes it takes a little step of faith, and the best part is that his spirit is with you every step of the way. And who knows, it may be the best pair of jeans you have ever bought.

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