So whatever our occupation, if we want to be fruitful, we must be on board with Him.

Connections are vital. Missing the connection can leave you blank-faced after the punchline or stuck in the terminal watching your flight take off. One missed connection in electrical lines can cause major power outages. A disconnected tree branch withers.
Jesus tells us in the Gospel of John that if we’re going to really be useful, we have to stay connected to Him. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (NIV)
At MMS Aviation, we enjoy getting to use our various God-given abilities for His glory to be known around the world. We have mechanics, accountants, administrators, technicians, and managers who all work hard to get airplanes back in the air so that those planes can transport the Gospel into hard-to-reach areas. However, eternal differences happen because we are connected to JESUS; otherwise, we are just another aircraft repair station.
With the right Connection in place, though, exciting kingdom work happens! The newly translated Bible flies into remote villages for the first time. A little girl’s life is saved because the mission’s plane can transport her to a hospital. Refugees are dropped the supplies they need to survive. Natural-disaster relief speeds up. Missionaries can go where there are no roads and teach the love of Christ. People are evacuated when there is danger. The Gospel is moving much faster around the world because connected-to-Jesus messengers are using airplanes to share the glory of God!
So WHATEVER our occupation, if we want to be fruitful, we must be on board with Him. This is one Connection we can’t miss!

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