Why do we as believers struggle so much with making the obvious choice? Why do we constantly run to the world when we know that it will only lead to devastation?
Throughout scripture, we see people, prophets, disciples, even Jesus himself setting up the ultimate contrast between the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God. The two could not be more different from each other in every single way. One brings death, destruction, and chaos. The other brings life, redemption, and peace. You would think the decision between the two would be an easy one, but why do we as believers struggle so much with making the obvious choice? Why do we constantly run to the world when we know that it will only lead to devastation?
As humans, our hearts long for purpose, value, and worth, and we will do anything to secure those things. We will enter into relationships full of lies and deceit because they give us a temporary feeling of belonging. We will work as hard as we possibly can to achieve accolades and status because they make us feel like we have value. We will alter our bodies and our personalities to fit into a box because we want to feel like we’re enough. But the truth is these things will never provide what we’re searching for. Instead of being fulfilled, we will end up empty and in deeper need of restoration than ever before.
My 5-year-old son has a blanket that he sleeps with every night. He is totally and completely obsessed with this thing. It goes everywhere he goes, and he cuddles it anytime he feels afraid, lonely or sad. A couple of nights ago during a thunderstorm, he told me that we didn’t need to worry about the storm because his blanket would keep us safe. This silly piece of fabric means absolutely everything to my son and it makes no sense to me. How ridiculous is it that he runs to this thing to fulfill him? About as ridiculous as us expecting the kingdom of this world to make us feel loved, protected and valued.
Our hearts were created to desire belonging. When we attempt to fulfill that desire with anything other than the Creator of our hearts Himself, we will fail. The purpose, value and worth we seek can only and will only be found in Jesus. He doesn’t just call us to turn away from the world because it’s bad, He calls us to run to Himself because He is good. The only good. The ultimate good.