When I was in elementary school, our family attended a small church. We were basically at church any time the doors were open …Sunday morning, Sunday night, potluck dinners, anniversary celebrations, Wednesday night classes—You name it, we were there. 

On Wednesday nights there were classes for kids my age: Royal Rangers for boys and Missionettes for girls. These classes were mainly to study and memorize scripture. My most vivid memory of my Missionette years was trying to earn badges for my sash (think Girl Scouts but Bible badges instead of wilderness badges). 

This makes a lot of sense since I am an Enneagram 1. Lists speak to my soul. I am pretty lost without them. The completed sash was basically a list of what I needed to accomplish in this class. The badges seemed so important back then. 

Fast forward to adult life, and do I remember what each of the badges was for? No. Do I remember much about my teachers in Missionettes? No. Do I have any recollection of the other girls in class with me? Again, no. The one thing that has stuck with me from that class is a scripture that we memorized and repeated over and over during my time in Missionettes. 

Whatsoever things are true,
Whatsoever things are honest, 
Whatsoever things are just, 
Whatsoever things are pure,
Whatsoever things are lovely, 
Whatsoever things are of good report;
If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

This verse would come to mind during the most difficult times of my life, long after I had collected all of my Missionettes badges, which at that point, were probably buried in a box in my mom’s attic. 

When my self-talk was negative and made me feel “less than” …whatsoever things are true. Does God think that I am less than anything or anyone? No. Is my own self-criticism more true than what our Creator says about me? Absolutely not. I am the way, the truth, and the life. – John 14:6a 

When I believed lies that had been told to me over the years …whatsoever things are honest. Does that ugly name that I was called sound similar to what God calls me? It doesn’t compare at all. God calls us His children. He knows the true me, the me I was created to be. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. – Romans 8:16

When I needed to be reminded that I did not have to be perfect to be loved …whatsoever things are lovely. If I am made in His image, then I am lovely. Me. Not just that gorgeous woman who seems to have it all together. Okay, she is lovely too, but so am I with all of my imperfections. He loves me just the way I am and knows my faults deeper than any person ever will. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. – Psalm 139:14

This verse isn’t just a cute reminder to look at the sunny side of things and think about the good. This verse is a reminder that God wants us to “think on these things” because God encompasses these things. God wants us to think on HIM. He wants us to remember those things about Him, no matter our circumstances. Despite what the world is throwing at us or what we are currently struggling with, God is all that is good in this world. We need to root ourselves in His goodness. 

The fact that this verse has come to mind so often throughout my life just confirms that God put it in my heart as a child for a reason. He knew that I would need it one day. That is why we all need to memorize scripture. When we have the word in our hearts, the word speaks to us continuously throughout life. Even during seasons when the world is shouting louder than anything else, the word is there. And the word is God. 

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. – Psalm 119:11 (KJV)

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