For eighty years now Ozark Christian College has worked to “train men and women for Christian service”. At Christ’s Church of Oronogo, we’re proud to support the ministry of Ozark through prayer and generosity.
I and a host of other ministerial staff at Christ’s Church call ourselves alumni of this Bible college and consider ourselves blessed by our time there training for ministry. As I’ve reflected on my time at Ozark, I wondered how many of our Impact Partners spent time as a student at Ozark. It turns out that the vast majority of our Impact Partners trained for ministry there too!
I asked a handful of our partners to share about their experiences as a student and graduate of Ozark Christian College. This is what they had to say.
Ozark trained me through three big blessings; Bible exposition, preaching, and community. Ozark taught me how to exegete scripture in a faithful way. At the school I also learned my main craft of ministry—the preaching of the word. All of this took place in the context of a community that sharpened me.
- Jay Greer, President of Mustard Seed Network and Pastor of Mustard Seed Christian Church in Tokyo, Japan
Ozark taught me to earnestly seek truth. It provided me with the skills and desires to understand, integrate, and communicate God’s word. I am indebted to my professors and friends who dedicated their time to minister to me, instruct me, and love me.
- Mac Johnson, Church Planter in Piotrkow, Poland
Ozark helped prepare me to be a lifelong learner, helping those around me to seek after Jesus. My ministry to college students is deeply influenced by those that I had the privilege of learning from at OCC. From kitchen staff to professors, each person helped me to look more like Jesus.
- Austin Marple, Director of Campus Christians at Pitt State
The professors at OCC gave us the Biblical and philosophical foundation needed to navigate the ever-changing world of cross-cultural missions. Our education was both broad and specific enough to allow us to serve God’s Kingdom in Bible translation, located pastoral ministry, and in member care. Furthermore, OCC created a community that has continued to stand with us after three decades.
- Todd Owen, Bible Translator in Papua New Guinea
The time that I spent at Ozark Christian College helped me to grow spiritually. Ozark equipped and prepared me for a life of full-time ministry in the kingdom of God. It was not only a place where I received a solid education in the word of God but it was also a place where I heard from God, and discovered what God was calling me to do in his kingdom. Ozark Christian College ignited a passion inside of me for the ministry that I am doing in the Caribbean. I will forever cherish the experiences, the friendships and the memories that I got from Ozark Christian College.
- Kenroy Clarke, Pastor of Church Village Church of Christ in Barbados and Director of Caribbean Missions
While Ozark Christian College is located in Joplin, Missouri you can see from just a few examples that its ministry extends to many different parts of the world.
Written by Drake Holderman • Missional Impact Minister
Ozark Christian College
Many people want to serve God and make a difference with their lives, but they aren’t sure where to start. At Ozark Christian College, we prepare students for the kingdom assignment God has for them. Our 15,000 alumni serve in all 50 states and in 100 countries around the world, carrying the gospel to every corner of the globe as ambassadors for Christ.