At the beginning of 2022, I invited friends and family to join me on a journey through the Bible. It was a way of encouraging people I care about to commit to a Bible reading plan with others cheering them along the way. We are now in the final stretch. As we have been reading, I often repeat a phrase I borrowed from Brian Hardin of Daily Audio Bible. The journey is the destination. The plan has a goal of reading the Bible from cover to cover, but the real goal is much more important. It’s about daily experiencing intimacy with God. A plan to listen to what He has to say, reflect on that, and also spend time talking to God.

Has the journey always gone as planned? No, but as I reflect on this past year it has deepened my relationship with my Creator, Lover of my soul, Redeemer, and King. Consider this: time in His Word reveals His character, His purposes, and His will. The Journey has added to and refreshed my knowledge of Him. It has also revealed more of His love for mankind and all that He desires for them, which includes me. The Journey has increased my love for Him. This increased love has led to acts of obedience. Do you know what word goes hand in hand with obedience? Trust. As I’ve faced life, opportunities, and challenges this past year, it has been in these moments that His Word tells me to step out in faith. Not just read the Word, but experience a more full life with Him by trusting what He says.  

In the book With by Skye Jethani, he refers to an illustration of the trapeze. He compares the moment that the person lets go of the bar to FAITH. The person does this because of the HOPE they have due to the assurance that they will be caught. And this culminates in faith and hope being fulfilled in LOVE as the Catcher and Caught come together. The journey through the Bible has helped me and others embrace a life of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE.

Let me wrap this up with a word of encouragement. If you’ve been on a journey this past year, finish strong! The way we end is more important than how we begin. Soak up the special times there are at this time of year for intimacy with God. And it’s never too early to start planning for next year. Whatever plan you decide on, remember, the journey is the destination! 

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