My daughter Molly gets married in just a few weeks, about a year after her sister Anne was married last summer. Two weddings in 13 months! And while my heart is full, my extra bedroom looks like an Etsy explosion—a Pinterest pile—an Amazon agglomeration.

Molly said yes to the dress, and we viewed the venue. We’ve booked the photographer, scheduled the caterer, and made all the preparations we can. But even after months of planning, there’s probably something we’re missing. After all, there’s no such thing as a flawless, perfect wedding. At my own wedding 26 years ago, a bridesmaid’s dress was an unfinished mess. Last year at Anne’s wedding, the minister came down sick a few hours before the ceremony. (We didn’t mention it to Anne till a second minister was secured.) Odds are, at Molly’s wedding this month, in spite of our spreadsheets and timelines and even our trusted coordinator, something will still not go precisely as planned.

But aren’t unexpected events what make the most memories? When the day is done, don’t the close calls make the sweetest stories?

I love the wedding in John 2, when a close call sends Mary into full wedding coordinator mode. “They have no more wine,” she tells her son—less as a statement and more as an instruction. Jesus miraculously makes water into wine—and not just any wine, but choice wine. Jesus “saved the best till now.”

They had no more wine, and Jesus more than supplied. John notes, “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory.” This was the first of many miracles to show us what God is like and what Christ’s ministry would be about. The water in the six stone jars washed the people ritually, ceremonially—temporarily. But Jesus’ blood (symbolized by the wine) would cleanse once and for all—completely. In this miracle, Jesus was saying, “I’ve come to bring you something better—and not just better, but best.

What is it our hearts want most? Whatever it is, Jesus came to bring something better. In spite of our efforts and good intentions—all our best-laid plans and preparations—deep down, what do we still lack? Jesus offers more. More peace, more rest, more abundance. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus gives more satisfaction, more freedom, more joy. It’s unexpected! All the planning in the world can’t prepare for it. When he meets our greatest needs, he makes the sweetest stories, and God is glorified. When our hearts say, “I have no more _________,” Jesus turns our water into wine.

He has saved the best till now.

Amy Storms

Amy is a part of our Christ’s Church family and has taught Women’s bible studies and served as a Pathways guide. She is the Marketing & Communications Director as well as an English Professor and Strong Hall Residence Director at Ozark Christian College, one of our Impact Partners.

Amy is pictured here with her husband, Andy, and children, Nathan, Anne, and Molly.

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