There are moments, places, seasons when we feel the most connected to God – where we are in awe of His grandness. For me, that has always happened outside, while barefoot, listening to birds and soaking in sunshine. Until recently.
One Friday morning, I found myself looking at my table while I cleaned up the kitchen. Every time I looked over at the table where my kids sat, the word ‘Holy’ rang through my head. The very next Saturday, we found ourselves hosting an impromptu brunch for several friends. With our table full of people, the word ‘Holy’ ran through my head again.
Our table has quickly become one of the most holy places I have known. I never knew how much our table could be Church. Our little table for 6, often full of other chairs pulled around for new and old friends, has become a holy place for our family. A place of chatter, praise, cheer, deep conversations, and games; A place of together.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20
Lately, as I look over to see my kids coloring at our table, I am reminded of His simple goodness. As I set our table for our nightly dinner with an extra plate or two for whoever might be joining us, I am reminded of His simple goodness. As I sit with friends to talk about their lives, I am reminded of His simple goodness. As we laugh and play games together, I am reminded of His simple goodness.
It is easy to focus on His grand greatness. But oh, how often we forget about the simple goodness of His love. The simple goodness of the ordinary. A table is really quite ordinary. But there is nothing small about turning a table into a church. This is holy. It is a gift.
Ordinary work, which is what most of us do most of the time, is ordained by God every bit as much as is the extraordinary. All work done for God is spiritual work and therefore not merely a duty but a holy privilege.
Elisabeth Elliot
These little churches (our tables) are where many of us spend a large portion of our time. What a gift to see the place where we spend our time as the place where we do ministry: the place where we experience God’s goodness through giving our daily to Him. I can’t even begin to imagine the extraordinary ways our community would experience completeness in Jesus if we all said yes to this ordinary work. Oh, how grand it would be if we all gathered around our tables with family and friends, old and new. Oh, how grand it would be if we all worshipped Him at our tables. Yes, our tables look different, and our life seasons vary, but that is exactly what the Kingdom looks like: each of us serving through His simple goodness.
Thank you, God, for this ordinary work. Thank you for a change in perspective to see the grandness of our tables. May we be a church full of tiny churches. May our homes be made holy through the work of gathering in worship to you daily. I pray that we are people who lead our children/friends to love your word and people who sing your goodness through the daily tasks of life.
God, thank you for the work of today. May I glorify you through the work of my hands and mind. Lord, I long to know your goodness more every day. May I rest in the goodness of the ordinary. I give my home to you. I give my table to you. I give my schedule to you. Lord, turn my home into a little church. That would be a holy privilege.
Contact Bekah