I remember the first time our family did the Christmas Meal Pack. I went in pumped to spread some love to people I would never see. Once inside I was overwhelmed with the amount of food they thought we could pack in 2 hours. I was quite sure there was absolutely no way it would ever happen. Fast forward 2 hours and they were all packed!
This year I hadn’t even had time to think about meal packing since we have been living in a camper for 1.5 years while building and currently preparing to move into our new home. When we were asked if we wanted to drive the 30,000 meals to Con Mis Manos as a family I couldn’t logically wrap my head around how we could take a week from our crazy schedule to go to Matamoros, Mexico. But, as soon I turned to the person who faithfully leads me, it all began to fall into place. He was making order out of chaos for this trip to happen for our family. By the next week, the details were in order, and we were leaving for Mexico in 4 weeks! Meal pack day came this year and it was a little more special knowing we would see the event full circle, we packed the rice and beans, loaded and unloaded each box with extra care.
The drive was long, but once we arrived in Mexico I saw a spark in my kiddos eyes that I’ve felt in my own heart on past mission trips. Con Mis Manos is a school for deaf children in Matamoros, Mexico. Without this school, these children would be left unable to communicate even the most basic needs to anyone else. As we sat in classes learning Spanish and Mexican sign language and later making tamales with the students, I was having the same thoughts–there is no way these things are possible!
Sitting in silence, I was struck with another time that logically there seemed no way…when we as sinners could see no way, and God sent His own Son to save us. I’m so thankful that when I saw no way to heal my brokenness, God knew His Son could save it all. That His willingness to become fully human and sacrifice Himself could heal the most dire situations and break the heaviest chains.
After being in Matamoros this week I can’t imagine the overwhelming hopelessness these kids feel. When there seems to be no way, Con Mis Manos is making a way by being the hands and feet of Jesus. I wonder what a difference would be made if I were willing 365 days a year to be those hands and feet, just like the sweet teachers and helpers at Con Mis Manos are each day. They are literally showing the love of Jesus with their hands. What if I were as willing not just during this season of the year?
I’m so thankful we trusted and didn’t use logic! Matthew 28:19-20 tells us we are called to spread His teachings. As His hands and feet, we are to go out into the world, share His message, and show His love. May we all be the hands and feet of Jesus all year and to every person we encounter!
Elizabeth Rayburn
Elizabeth is pictured here with her husband, Michael, children, Bristyn and Rayce and Con Mis Manos teachers, Leo and Lilia. Learn more about the ministry of Con Mis Manos by listening to our Impact Ministry Podcast: