There’s a promise found in the Sermon on the Mount that has been foundational for most of my life. While ministering to the multitude, Jesus reminded them that God saw them, cared for them, and they were valuable to Him. He said that even if a sparrow falls to the ground, it won’t happen without God’s knowledge. An old hymn uses these same promises as its theme – a song that has blessed me and encouraged me many times during times of sorrow and challenges in life: His Eye is on the Sparrow.
Why should I feel discouraged?
Why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home?
With Jesus as my portion, my constant friend is He.
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
What a precious promise, knowing God sees and cares for me.
For years, Christ’s Church has hosted Grief Share, a support group for people who have gone through the loss of a loved one. Although each person has their own unique story, participants are tightly woven together as they experience grief. Our time together provides a safe environment to express and explore our feelings with others who understand, as they, too, are suffering with their own loss.
We have included an evening where participants share a favorite song that has been helpful in their journey of grief. This has become a highlight of our time together. Not only do they bring their favorite song, but they also bring the WHY. This semester, there was quite an eclectic group of participants—young to old—and each person’s grief story was different, yet the same: Someone was loved, and death took that someone away.
One young lady, barely old enough to vote, shared a song that gave her hope and strength.
How I long to breathe the air of heaven where pain is gone and mercy fills the streets.
To look upon the One who bled to save me and walk with Him for all eternity.
There will be a day when all will bow before Him.
There will be a day when death will be no more.
Standing face to face with He who died and rose again Holy, holy is the Lord.
A dear lady with her sons shared a family favorite, and we all were overjoyed to tap along with:
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars
let me know what life is like on Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand!
Then she shared a song her loved one, before his passing, had asked for over and over:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Look full in his wonderful face.
And the things of this world will grow strangely dim,
In the light of his glory and grace.
We were invited into the lives of a family as they were grieving the passing of their husband and grandfather. During his final years in his battle against cancer, we were told the song by CeCe Winans had sustained the family even in their darkest moments.
I love You, Lord.
Oh, Your mercy never failed me
All my days, I’ve been held in your hands.
From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head,
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.
There were many other songs shared by participants that time and space don’t allow, but we all wept with one dear one as we played her song:
Walk away, leave with my blessing
Once in a while, let me hear from you.
If we never meet again before my life is over,
I’ll leave this world loving you.
You can take everything but my memories.
for they’re good ones and they’ll see me through.
If we never meet again, I’ll love you forever.
I’ll leave this world loving you
It’s nearly impossible to dissect what music can do for us; I believe it would take a language only angels could understand to describe it. But I did stumble on a quote by L.R.Knost that may come close:
Music speaks the language of the soul, penetrating into the past and resonating into the future, unearthing pain and tenderness and sorrow and joy, reminding us of our infinite fragility and extraordinary strength, reigniting our dreams and passions once again to remind us of who we are meant to be.
I do realize not everyone loves music. However, there is no denying it is a gift from God our Father – from the beginning of creation (“when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy.” Job 38:7) and to the end of the ages (when “every creature in heaven and earth and under the sea, and all that is in them” will sing to the Lamb on the throne Rev. 5:13). May we take comfort, joy, and peace from God’s gift of music. We thank Him for this precious gift in every tune, hum, and whistle as we “think to ourselves, what a wonderful world.”
Contact Cindy