My official title at Christ’s Church is “Pastoral Care Minister.” When people ask me what that means, I usually say something like, “I get to love on people.” I am so thankful that even though we are a bigger church, we still have a desire to care for people individually because every single person matters. I often hear people say, “Christ’s Church doesn’t seem as big as it is,” and I believe one of the main reasons is that so many people at Christ’s Church care about others. So many people get outside of themselves and look to the needs of others. I love it!
Most people wouldn’t argue the idea that the Bible is pretty clear about the importance of serving others. And we know that Jesus set the example for what it looks like to serve others. In fact, after Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, he simply said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:15). I could give all kinds of examples of the impact that serving others has had on their lives. It is often a life-changing kind of impact!
But I want to give you a little different perspective on why it is so important to serve others. Going all the way back to the first chapter of Genesis in the creation story, it says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” What does it mean to be created in the image of God? It means a lot of things, but I believe one important part of being made in God’s image is that God built into us a whole lot of good traits. Sin has tainted a lot of those godly characteristics, but they are still there. One of God’s traits is that He is a caring God. He truly cares for His creation. We are reminded of how much He cares for us in 1 Peter 5:7, which says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” We can be assured that we can take our worries and troubles to God because he cares for us.
Okay, stay with me. Part of being made in God’s image means that he wired us to care for others as well. It’s in our DNA. He made us to care for others just like he cares for us. So, if we stay in our own little bubble all the time and only worry about ourselves, we are suppressing one of the amazing traits God made us with.
Have you ever wondered why it is such a fulfilling and satisfying feeling when you help others? It’s because God wired you that way. Why do you think little kids want to help their mommies and daddies with whatever project they are working on (even though it is often not very helpful)? I think it’s because children are made in God’s image and the trait of wanting to help others shows itself even at an early age.
I remember the first time I truly started to understand this concept. It was during spring break of my freshman year of college. My campus ministry went to help out a Bible college in Juarez, Mexico, called Colegio Biblico. One of the jobs that I helped work on that week was to dig a trench by hand so they could run a water line for a new building they were working on. It was really difficult, back-breaking work. The soil was a far cry from the rich Iowa soil I grew up with. However, in the evenings we got to spend time with some of the students – playing games and just having fun together. But inevitably, someone would get out a guitar, and we would have a time of singing worship songs together in our separate languages, but to the same God. It was powerful. And something strange happened along the way. I didn’t feel annoyed at all that we were asked to complete such a hard task. In fact, it felt really good that, in some small way, we were helping our brothers and sisters in Christ. Why is that? I believe it is because God wired us to serve others.
Here’s the thing. I talk with people all the time who are going through really hard times. And I do my best to help each person work through those hard times. I am sure that some of you are going through a really tough time right now. But I have noticed something over the years. One of the best remedies for feeling better and moving forward is when people are able to begin to help others. It helps give purpose and clarity to life. It helps us fulfill who we were made to be.
You see, God cares for us, and since we are made in his image, we are made to care for others. So I would ask you, who are you investing in? Who are you caring for? Who are you loving on? You don’t have to help the world, but I know God has someone in mind for you. You were made for it.
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