“The people looked at Jericho. At the big, giant, scary walls all around it. At the tall, towering ramparts. At the heavy iron gates bolted shut. At each other. What would they do? No one knew. But God knew…”
– Joshua and the battle of Jericho, The Jesus Storybook Bible
I have an 18-month-old baby girl. She is funny, curious, and strong-willed like her mom, but nothing freezes her in her tracks more than when we step out into an unfamiliar place. Yes, there are moments when she will start running off as soon as I set her down after getting her out of her car seat or scream if I try to put her in her stroller or a shopping cart. But most of the time, she waits. She usually stands with her sweet little toddler hands on her chest and tries to take in the chaos and newness around her. Since she started gaining her “independence” as a running, climbing, almost jumping baby, she will stop and either reach for my hand or immediately grab it when instructed to.
It should be obvious when I consider trusting Jesus, whether waiting for an answer to a prayer or wondering what decision is best for me or my family, that I shouldn’t doubt or worry. Most of us would find it much simpler to deal with difficult situations if we knew the outcome in advance. But often, the answer seems unattainable, too good to be true, or different from what we’d hoped. God didn’t promise us that life would be easy, but He does promise He is with us.
Scripture repeatedly says that when we walk with the Lord, He will be with us, strengthen us, and protect us. Like Joshua and the Israelite people circled Jericho, and my daughter is walking alongside me, I want to walk with Jesus, trusting He is for me. Even when the way is unclear, or the wait is long or hard, just knowing His heart for me will give me the confidence to hold His hand and keep walking.
“…So it was that God’s people entered their new home. And they didn’t have to fight to get in—they only had to walk.”
– Joshua and the battle of Jericho, The Jesus Storybook Bible

Raina Songer
Raina is a member of our Christ’s Church family and is married to Chip, Creative Director and Worship Minister at Christ’s Church. She loves spending time with her family and making things with her hands – cooking, drawing, sewing, repurposing, etc. Raina is pictured here with Chip and their three children, Theodore, Edison, and Winifred.