“God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” (Numbers 23:19 NLT)

A few years ago, I received a lovely gift box that held cards with Bible verses printed on one side and a devotional prayer on the other side. At first glance, the box looked delicate, quite unique, and I was afraid expensive. Although it turned out to be acrylic, I soon learned the real treasure was WHAT was inside the box – scriptures of promises drawn from God’s Word.

There were times I would pull cards out one right after another and although at first it seemed random, the cards never seemed to fail in providing comfort and strength, especially in moments of confusion or doubt.

A few weeks after receiving this gift box, a small group of my friends got together for a meal and some fellowship. We had been discussing all that was happening in our lives, and it seemed a perfect time to tell my friends how this small box of scripture cards was blessing me. Almost as if following a script, my friends started taking turns drawing cards randomly from the acrylic box and reading them out loud. To our amazement, each one of us drew a card that directly spoke to our unique situations and what we were experiencing! Although this happened a couple of years ago, we often start conversations with: do you remember the time God spoke into our lives using your box of scripture cards?

Although the gift box housed 140 scripture cards, there have been numbers thrown out as to just how many promises are found in the Bible. There have been estimates from 3,000 to 30,000, which does seem a little high since there are 31,164 verses in the entire Bible. Shortly after receiving my gift box of scripture cards, I found a fascinating article about Everett Storms, who during his 27th reading of the Bible in 1956, started to compile a list of all the promises found in the Bible. Since some of the books of prophecy are filled with promises (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel have over 1,000 each) and the Psalms are filled with promises, it is no wonder it took Everett 18 months to complete his task! The numbers recorded astounded me, as by his count, he found 8,810 promises! They included:

  • 7,487 promises made by God to man
  • 290 by man to God
  • Other promises made by one man to another
  • Promises by God the Father to God the Son
  • Promises by angels to people, by man to an angel
  • Promises by an evil spirit
  • And nine promises by Satan (all nine of which were lies).

When reading the Bible, we can find God’s promises recorded in a way even a young child can understand them. And if there are conditions, they are clearly defined. But what about those 290 promises made by man to God? It seems too often the Bible records well-intentioned promises but repeatedly broken. As flawed and broken people, it can be difficult, if not at times impossible, for us to live up to our promises to God. It is a great comfort to know God is a God of grace and, true to His Word, we can live our lives anchored and dependent on His promises to us.

If you asked me, I would not be able to name all of the 7,487 promises God made to man. However, there are promises I do know—I know He promises to give us wisdom if we ask; He has promised to provide a way out of temptation; and promised to finish the good work He began in us. He promises that our belief in Jesus gives us eternal life; that our salvation is secure, and that nothing can separate us from His love. He’ll never leave or forsake us, and without a doubt, what God promises, it will come true!

Reflecting on God’s promises makes me remember the gospel hymn, “Standing on the Promises”…

“Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail. By the living Word of God, I shall prevail, standing on the promises of God!”

I’ll leave you with one of the 7,487 promises God has given us to strengthen and encourage us in our faith walk:

“God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.” (Hebrews 6:18 NLT)

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