Classes • Bible Studies • Support Groups
During the school year we offer classes, support groups and Bible studies on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in order to give you an opportunity to learn and apply the truths of the Bible. Whether it’s a Bible study of a particular passage or book, a class about spiritual disciplines or a group that helps people find freedom from pain and suffering, there is always a chance for you to connect and grow with us.

1, 2, 3 JOHN
1, 2 & 3 John have a deep concern for abiding in God’s love and truth while living consistently with our professed faith in Jesus. These letters emphasize being faithful, the importance of mutual love in the community, how we are freed from sin but still capable of future sin and to be cautious of responding to deception rather than truth. This class will walk through each chapter studying the rich theology and everyday application these letters bring. A podcast of this class will also be available.
- Taught by Martin Russow
- Sunday Morning at 9:15am, begins January 19
- Class Length: 12 weeks
- Book Cost: None

When a cancer diagnosis has been received your world is never the same. We are a group of fighters, survivors, and caregivers meeting up once a month to encourage, support, and offer comfort during your journey. No two stories are exactly the same but who better understands than one who has experienced a similar situation? This group is for cancer patients currently in treatment, those in remission and their caregivers.
- Led by Liz Banwart, Lori Brock & Vicki Earhart
- Meets the 1st Sunday of every month at 10:45am and the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. You can choose which time works best for you.

Divorce Care provides a safe community to share your story while healing from the pain of divorce. You will meet others who understand what you are feeling and who can offer encouragement and accountability. You may join this group at any time.
- Led by Randy Cornell
- Sunday Morning at 9:15am, begins January 19
- Class Length: 13 weeks
- Book Cost: None

This class is a traditional Sunday school class. They meet continuously throughout the year to discuss and study through a book of the Bible together. The next book they will study is Genesis. You may join this class at any time.
- Led by Rick Keller
- Sunday Morning at 9:15am, begins January 19
- Class Length: Ongoing
- Book Cost: None

Healing Hearts is a gospel-centered journey of discovery for women seeking healing from childhood wounds. Our destination will be a greater understanding, appreciation and deeper intimacy with Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our story. Healing Hearts is a confidential group experience looking at wounds of women originating from childhood that have affected past and present relationships. Wounds may include neglect or abandonment, physical, sexual or abuse. Healing Hearts is designed to start you on the journey of recovery, forgiveness, redemption, healing and wholeness. Healing Hearts meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. There is limited availability. Contact Cindy at Haven Counseling, 417-673-0090 for more information
- Wednesday Night at 6:30pm, begins January 15
- Class Length: 13 weeks
- Book Cost: $25

Join other married couples as we learn what it takes to make marriage work! Couples often marry with great expectations for life-long love, but soon discover it takes more than faith and commitment to make marriage work. It takes knowledge and skills to build a strong marriage. The knowledge is found in God's Word and many of the skills of communication and problem-solving, for example, have come through years of Couple's Research. Topics covered will include active listening, conflict resolution, problem-solving, and ways to deepen your commitment to each other.
- Led by Dennis Hounshell
- Wednesday Night at 6:30pm, Session 1 begins January 15 / Session 2 begins March 26
- Class Length: 5 weeks, Pick the session that works best for you!
- Book Cost: None

Men’s Recovery Group offers a safe place to share struggles and learn how to journey toward healing and strength - not found in ourselves - but strength found in letting God direct our steps. This men’s group, led by trained and experienced leaders, provides a safe and confidential setting for encouragement and accountability.
- Led by Dennis Hounshell
- Sunday Morning at 10:45am, begins January 19
- Book Cost: $25

Mom's Connection is a place for moms to connect through Jesus. You are welcome to join this group at any time. Wholehearted - Loving God: Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength Do you ever feel pulled in a thousand directions? Are you overwhelmed by your inability to do it all or attain any semblance of balance? Does the weight of the world feel like more than you can bear? Are you tired of being tired—emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically? You are not alone. As women and mothers, we often feel tension and exhaustion because deep down inside each of us is a thirst for something more: a thirst to be loved, to believe, to become and to belong. Jesus is the only one who can quench our thirst. He calls us to come close - with all of our weariness and imperfection. He offers us perfect peace and rest that we won’t find anywhere else. And he calls us to love him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love one another. This year at Mom’s Connection, we will see how the antidote to all of our feelings of exhaustion and being overwhelmed just might be wholeheartedness. It's not pressure to do more or be more on our own, but it is an invitation to release, receive and show up with our whole self, being fully present to every moment God has for us. Watch promotional video here.
- Led by Kathy Whelan, Jenny Short & Cat Donato
- Tuesday at 9:00am, resumes January 14
- Book Cost: $25

Rooted is an 11-week small group experience where you will explore the Bible, engage in experiences, share stories, and practice the rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. We think of Rooted as an on-ramp to Small Groups so we strongly advise that you begin with Rooted before joining an open Small Group.
- Groups begin January 19
- Typically groups meet on Sunday or Thursday nights

Being a single mom has some unique challenges, and we as a church want to ensure that no mom walks alone. Gather each week with other single moms for connection, teachings specific to this season of life, prayer and encouragement. We have programming for all ages of children on Wednesday nights so bring your kids and deepen your community.
- Led by Allison Stump
- Wednesday Night at 6:30pm, begins January 15
- Class Length: 15 weeks
- Book Cost: None

This group is a place for parents to talk about the struggles and highlights of parenting a child with special needs alongside other parents who understand. This semester we will meet on special Sundays during the semester to check in on your family and pray together. If you would like to receive updates about our meeting times, please fill out this form.
- Sunday Morning at 10:45am - January 12, February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4

This Bible study will take you deeper into Scripture and bring you heart to heart with your Creator. We live in a world that shouts distorted messages and lies about identity, meanwhile, God lovingly reveals the truth behind identity in the gentle whispers of His Word. God placed at the very heart of covenant, an undeniable revelation of identity. He reveals Himself, and then He reveals you. This class is for those desiring to develop their personal Bible study time into new depths of maturity and grow as disciple-making disciples.
- Taught by Ryan Churchill & Darrin King
- Sunday Morning at 9:15am, begins March 16
- Class Length: 12 weeks
- Book Cost: $15

John’s gospel was written, “So that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31). This study will explore the personal encounters with Jesus, miraculous signs, divine claims, testimonies, disputes, and teachings of Jesus recorded by the “beloved” disciple. Together, we will witness the glory, love, life, and wisdom of Jesus.
- Taught by Jim Dalrymple
- Wednesday Night at 6:30pm, begins January 15
- Class Length: 15 weeks
- Book Cost: None

When a parent loses a child, you are faced with the reality of many years ahead of you before you are reunited with that child in Heaven. As you face those seemingly interminable years, we have some choices to make… Are you going to abandon or apply your faith? Are you going to allow grief to make you bitter, or allow God to use grief to make you better? These, and many more questions, are discussed at the While We're Waiting support groups. Here you'll find other parents who have gone through the same life-altering moment of losing a child. Here you'll find others who have found hope on the other side.
- Led by Ward and Tanya Thomas
- The first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm, year round
Classes Podcast
We record a few of our Wednesday night and Sunday morning classes. Visit our Podcasts page to listen to classes we’ve recorded.