Dominican Republic & Haiti

Blackbox International is a faith-based, Christ-centered, not-for-profit organization that exists to holistically rehabilitate formerly sex-trafficked boys and young men. Blackbox provides the critical aftercare component for boys rescued from sex trafficking in order to help them find healing from their past, joy in the present, and purpose for their future. Blackbox is currently providing care for boys and young men in their safe-home in the Dominican Republic and are currently building their next campus in Haiti.

Know more about Blackbox International.

Impact Ministry Podcast

Also found on these platforms:

The Story Must Change by Nick Vacca

“There is an army of Spirit-empowered, Jesus-loving, self-giving people pouring into our boys as they navigate the hardship of living with severe trauma.”

Grow in Prayer and Generosity.

Two ways to pray right now:


Blackbox is developing our aftercare program in Haiti.
Pray with us for the development and building phase on our property there. This is going to be a great space to provide boys the healing they need. Also join us in praying for the staff we will hire to lead this work in Haiti.


Blackbox is serving boys in the Dominican Republic.
Pray for our staff on the ground in the Dominican Republic. Pray that God would empower & sustain them through His Spirit to carry out the work of providing holistic aftercare for the boys in our home. Pray that our boys would find healing from their past, joy in the present, and purpose for their future.