Campus Christians

Pittsburg State University

Campus Christians at Pittsburg State University is a non-denominational organization reaching out to believers of all church backgrounds. Our events and programs range from a weekly worship service and in-depth Bible studies and discussion groups to lunches, road trips and coffee houses. Our students have a wide variety of interests and involvement on campus, and it is our prayer that not a day goes by that the students of Pittsburg State are not influenced and encouraged by the ministry of Campus Christians.

Know more about Campus Christians.

Impact Ministry Podcast

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College Priorities by Austin Marple

“People often ask what drew me to college ministry. I don’t have a great answer, but perhaps one that keeps coming to mind is this. My first week of college was terrible. It was a cold January day, raining of course, and my mom and a family friend were helping me move in. We arrived at the school, which had sent me acceptance letters and scholarships, and they had no record of me being admitted…”

Grow in Prayer and Generosity.

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Three ways to pray right now:


Pray for the leaders of Campus Christians to be bold in their faith and humble in their leadership.


Pray for the students of PSU to have an encounter with Jesus that leads them to his grace.


Pray for opportunities to open up for believers on campus to share the gospel with those who do not know it,