Con Mis Manos


Con Mis Manos is a ministry that reaches out to the deaf in Matamoros, Mexico. Chuy & Michelle Zuniga, founders and leaders of Con Mis Manos, provide a safe place where the deaf can live, learn valuable skills and experience the family of Christ.

Know more about Con Mis Manos.

Impact Ministry Podcast

Also found on these platforms:

Inch by Inch by KaLisa Veer

“I will always remember a moment sitting on a couch in a small corner classroom in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. This memory is not one where time stops and I could tell you the color of every object in the room. Or one where I could replay the turn of events like a movie. Honestly, I couldn’t even tell you what time of day it was, but the feeling, the weight that seemed to hang in the room, is something that still moves me to this day…”

Grow in Prayer and Generosity.

Three ways to pray right now:


Pray for wisdom and patience for the ministry staff to find creative ways to reach children and teens who have been used to living in isolation and language deprivation.


Pray for protection for Deaf children living in unstable or abusive environments, who often lack government protection due to their deafness, which allows the cycle of abuse to persist.


Pray for progress on our work to make Biblical training and mental health resource videos available in Mexican Sign Language for the Deaf community in Mexico free of charge.