Fostering Hope

Carl Junction, MO

Fostering Hope provides hope, support and resources to children in foster care and their families. They partner with the local Children’s Division as well as local churches, businesses and organizations to provide for the needs of children in foster care and their families.

Know more about Foserting Hope.

Impact Ministry Podcast

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Shining Light by Sarah Burch

“I’ll never forget the first night we had a child placed in our home. Her caseworker dropped her off with a few bags full of her belongings. She was wide-eyed and quiet but didn’t seem scared. I was taken aback by that. She was almost 3 years old…”

Grow in Prayer and Generosity.

Three ways to pray right now:


Pray for the biological parents in our community who are separated from their children. Pray for God to give them hope and perseverance as they overcome obstacles.


Pray for the kids in foster care. Ask God to be near to them during this confusing time.


Pray for the foster families who are raising kids from hard places. Pray for strength and patience for them.

Go join the work God is doing.