Kenroy & Stephanie Clarke


Caribbean Missions is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the region. Kenroy is the pastor at Church Village Church of Christ on the island of Barbados. He travels extensively throughout the islands, preaching and teaching the word of God. They are also working with other leaders to start new churches in the Caribbean.

Know more about Caribbean Missions.

Impact Ministry Podcast

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Faith and Concrete by Stephanie Clarke

“If you listened carefully, you would’ve heard the voices of our children above the clangorous sound of that old concrete mixer. Laced with a bit of laughter and a few grimaces, they shoveled the sand and stone from the top of the heap into their buckets, some taking a little longer than others to fill them to the brim. Some, who were short of a shovel, even scooped the gravel by hand. It’s a back-breaking, hand-blistering kind of work, yet they came in the heat of the afternoon sun, full of excitement, to lend a hand to those who had been moving the sediments since early that morning…”

Grow in Prayer and Generosity.

Three ways to pray right now:


The completion of our multi-purpose building and for growth and expansion of our ministry. 


Pray for increased faith to continue to pursue the vision that God has given to us for our ministry.


Pray for Preston and Makenna as they prepare for upcoming academic exams and for God’s peace and protection over Stephanie.