Kritsana Udomsrirat


Kritsana lives in the village of MaeHongSon and leads a ministry called Asian Women and Children. Her ministry provides God’s message, a home, and education for children who have little hope for a bright future. Many of these children come from the mountain village of MaeAw, where Kritsana started and oversees a Chinese school for over 100 refugee children up through the 6th grade. Kritsana continues to spread the Good News wherever God leads.

Grow in prayer and generosity

Trusting God in Thailand by Lindsay Haddan

“‘I’m not sure. I’ll need to think and pray about it, but it sounds like an incredible opportunity.’ Do these phrases sound familiar? These were the words I reluctantly uttered to my coworker Drake when he asked me if I wanted to join a small team from our church to visit our ministry partner, Kritsana Udomsrirat, in Thailand and work as a photographer during the trip…”

Ways to pray right now:


Pray for Kritsana as she shares God’s word in the remote mountain village of Microwave in Northern Thailand. These people are of the Mong tribe and their belief system has centered around ancestor worship.


Asian Women and Children have a facility located in MaeHongSon, Thailand named ‘Eden.’ Kritsana currently has 22 teenagers living there from different tribal villages. She teaches them who Jesus is and the ministry provides for them to attend the local schools. Most come from villages that have never heard the Good News of Christ. Through the years many previous kids have accepted Christ and taken the Message back to their tribes. Her purpose is to build the kingdom of God this way. Pray for her current students and for the Good News to continue to reach the remote villages of Thailand.