Neighborhood Life House

Joplin, Missouri

Neighborhood Life House serves the Northwest Joplin area, a neighborhood rich in story and history. They work with members of the neighborhood to empower people to see who they can be with the help of God through mentoring, education, and physical and spiritual partnership.

Addie Jarrett

Addie is the Director at Neighborhood Life House and is pictured here with her husband, Cliff, and daughter, Andie.

Know more about Neighborhood Life House.

Impact Ministry Podcast

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Chimes of a Home by Addie Jarrett

“‘Ding dong. Ding dong.’ This is the typical chime sound that you hear as you walk through the front door of Neighborhood Life House. It’s an ordinary sound. There’s nothing too special or unique about this chime. I’ve heard it so many times that it’s easy to go unnoticed, like white noise…”

Grow in Prayer and Generosity.

Three ways to pray right now:


Pray that Jesus and His goodness are on full display through every part of Life House’s programming and that He will be glorified through what they do in the neighborhood each week.


Pray for more Gospel connections to be made with neighbors, that more students and their families will come to know and love the Lord this year.


Pray over the volunteers as they selflessly serve and pour the love of Jesus into the students each week. Pray they will be strengthened with the Spirit to serve in and through His name.

Go join the work God is doing.