Sam & Rachel Martin

Yokohama, Japan

Sam & Rachel serve with Mustard Seed to plant churches in Japan. Most of Japan is considered unreached which means people haven’t had the chance to hear the Good News about Jesus. They are currently working to plant a church in Yokohama, Japan.

Know more about their ministry.

Impact Ministry Podcast

Also found on these platforms:

Different but Same by Sam Martin

The Martin Family have been cross-cultural missionaries for almost 6 years now, and sometimes it feels much longer. Living in a culture that is different from your own presents many unique circumstances. Sometimes, on Sunday nights when we are having pizza and movie night in our home, I forget we are in another culture at all. I am quickly reminded that I am in Japan when I step out in the hallway where the temperature is hovering just above freezing because it is rare for houses to have central heating…

Grow in prayer and generosity.

Three ways to pray right now:


Pray for the Martin family to live lives that glorify God and bring good to those they encounter.


Pray for the Martins and the team they work with as they are planting a new church in the city of Yokohama.


Ask the Lord to draw people to himself through the ministry of the Martin family.