Todd & Angela Owen

Papua New Guinea

Todd and Angela Owen serve with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. Since the late 90s they’ve worked with and discipled the Garia people to translate the New Testament into their own language. Their goal is to finish the entire New Testament by 2027. Currently, they are finalizing the translation of the pastoral epistles.

Know more about their ministry.

Impact Ministry Podcast

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The Long Haul by Todd Owen

“Life in Papua New Guinea begets patience. Daily life involves cooking from scratch, washing laundry (either by hand or with a twin-tub washing machine powered by a small generator), keeping relationships alive, and growing through sharing community life. We tend to slow down when the sun is high—our house has no fans or air conditioning. Air conditioning wouldn’t help anyway as our windows are merely covered with screen—no glass…”

Grow in prayer and generosity.

Three ways to pray right now:


Thank God for being sovereign over Todd & Angela’s plans and actions. Pray that they would be cooperative with Him in his wisdom and desire to redeem the Somau Garia people.


Ask God to continue to give the translation team insight into the Scriptures. Pray that it will cause many Somau Garia people to desire to follow Jesus our High Priest, our Sacrifice, our Savior.


Ask God to cause the fruit of this labor to bear fruit for His Kingdom.