Adoration • Confession • Thanksgiving • Supplication

Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication (ACTS) is a path that helps refine our hearts to be in alignment with God’s and our requests to be unified with his.

We all want to speak with God, but at times it can be difficult to know how to. ACTS is an acronym that you can follow that is a helpful guide for your conversations with God. Simply follow the acronym as you speak to God, as if you were sitting at his feet:


Tell God of the reasons we speak, pray, and praise him. Acknowledge his attributes and activities. By doing so, it will help frame the rest of your words to him as you align your heart and beliefs with His.

God I thank you that you are sovereign and kind, loving and perfect….


Tell God the worst parts of yourself. This shouldn’t be done in a way that is self-deprecating, but in a way that acknowledges your complete dependence upon him. We are always in need of his grace. This prayer helps create a posture of humility that is able to expose present failures and temptations, and pray for the things God wants for our lives and his world.

God I acknowledge that I’m too consumed with my own desires and wants…


Tell God of all the things in your life and in his world that you are thankful for. This helps put into perspective the constant provision of God even when we can’t always see how our present needs will be met.

God I thank you for your present provision. For a house, a car, a bed, and space to be with family…


Ask God for your heart’s desires. This may sound suspicious, but one of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is that people can change, and that our hearts can be in alignment with God’s, so that our desires become aligned in his will. The time we spend adoring, confessing, and thanking God, is intended to reorient our desires to be in alignment with God instead of against him. Never underestimate the power of an ask when it aligns with what God most desires for your life and his world.

God I ask that you reveal yourself to my friend…

Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him.  Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.

Have questions?
Contact Scott.

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