
The awareness of spiritual and emotional needs and the aptitude to meet them.

Every person who follows Jesus is called to be attentive to the spiritual and emotional needs of those around them. This is especially true in regards to the relationships we have. When Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, he’s identifying the framework by which we care for those who are in our sphere of influence.

Sometimes the care that is needed goes beyond simple friendship or small group support, so Christ’s Church has articulated a continuum of care that provides a snapshot of what is available for yourself, but also all who you are in relationship with. Is there a crisis? A feeling of despair? An addiction? We have several ways to care for you and those in your life. Learn what is available so you can be better equipped to care and be cared for.

Dan Toney

Pastoral Care Minister

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Kathi Smith

Pastoral Care Minister

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Martin Russow

Pastral Care Minister

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Theresa Barnes

Women’s Discipleship Minister

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Spencer Hahn

Men’s Discipleship Minister

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Cindy Cutler

Counseling Ministry Assistant

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Pathways Podcast

Various episodes where Scott & Peter discuss topics such as coping, grief, forgiveness, overcoming your past, and knowing when to seek out help.

also available on these platforms

Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him.  Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.

Have questions?
Contact Scott.

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