
The group of Jesus followers who actively participate in the Triniatrian life of God. They are resurrection people who make up the Kingdom of God and gather together to exalt God and be transformed by him.

The Church recognizes God as the subject of unparalleled importance. He is the object of our desire, and the source of our delight. Only in God can our hearts find satisfaction and rest. In light of this, the Church incorporates ways to hear from God, speak to God, and be with God through ordained pathways revealed to us in scripture:

The Gospel

The Gospel is the good news of the person and work of Jesus. It is the announcement that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, sin and death have been defeated. The good news is that we are no longer in bondage to decay, fated for death, and separated from God. We have been invited back into the presence of the Trinitarian life of God by the Father sending the Son, the Father and Son sending the Spirit, and the union we now share through the Spirit, with the Father, in the Son. The Gospel is the story scripture tells, and each worship gathering is a new opportunity for the Gospel to confront our beliefs and renew them in light of the gracious love of God.

The Lord’s Table |

The Lord’s Table is a unique space for the Church to proclaim and identify with Christ’s death and resurrection until he comes again. This is primarily done with bread and juice as symbolic signs of our covenantal relationship with Him. The bread is Christ’s body, and the juice his blood – each is a testament of Christ’s substitutionary death on behalf of the Church, and the resurrection that will accompany the life of those who have been united in Him.

Baptism |

Baptism is an additional covenantal sign that provides individuals the opportunity to join the Church through public confession of faith in Christ, the dedication to living under his Lordship, and the symbolic ritual of being dipped into water like a grave and being lifted out like a resurrection. This event becomes a union ceremony between the individual within the Church, but also the individual and God, and is often accompanied by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Click here to learn more about Baptism.

Singing |

Singing is the unified expression of believers that articulates the whole range of the human experience in relationship to God. It uses melody, rhythm, and rhyme to become a corporate prayer and form of exaltation to God.

Praying |

The Church creates space both for personal, and corporate, conversation with God. This conversation aligns our hearts with the will of God and brings us into the work he is already doing.

Sharing in the Word of God |

The Church creates space for the Bible to be read, expounded, and reflected upon. It teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains us in righteousness.


Generosity is our time to praise the Giver. All we are and have belongs to God, and generosity provides an opportunity to both honor Him with our possessions, and support the work of ministry. Each contribution is a testament to our shared calling of care, and the stewardship of our blessings.

Gather with us.

THURSDAYS | 6:30pm
SUNDAYS | 8:00am 9:15am 10:45am

Have questions?
Contact Scott.

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Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him.  Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.