Examen is a way to take inventory of your day and ask God to be present with you throughout it. It looks back to what has taken place, looks forward to what lies ahead, and invites God into every part.
Below is a list of how to pray, which is usually done as the day is concluded.
Acknowledge an awareness of God’s Presence.
Sometimes our days can seem jumbled and hard to sort through. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring clarity and understanding as you review the moments.
Review the day in a posture of gratitude.
Everything we have is a gift from the Lord. As you walk back through your day with him, focus on the simple joys. Even the smallest moments – the people you interacted with, the food you enjoyed, the flashes of beauty in the nature around you – God is in the details.
Recognize areas where life was enjoyed and shared.
Recognize areas where life was hard and broken.
Speak with God about the hard and broken parts and ask him to bring life to those areas.
Speak with God about the hope of tomorrow and long for his coming.
Pray for guidance as you look ahead to what tomorrow holds. Ask the Lord for a greater understanding and trust in the hope he gives. Look forward to the day when he returns. It could be tomorrow!
Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him. Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.
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Contact Scott.