Removing distractions that are teaching false beliefs is imperative if we are to believe the things Jesus does.
Fasting is the process of removing something from our life that we are dependent on, and utilizing the emotional and physical vacancy to ask God to fill that space. Fasting can foster a dependence on God so that our focus, our beliefs, our will is in alignment with his and undisturbed by the cares of the world.
Food is often used as something to fast from, because it creates hunger and drive for our appetites to be satisfied, and it reminds us that food is not our God, nor anything else in all of creation. It reminds us that we should ask for God to be our craving, our appetite, our delight. He is the only thing who fills and satisfies. This should be done in very specific ways that your doctor confirms are healthy.
Sometimes fasting from objects is also a helpful practice. Depriving our minds of entertainment, phones, coffee, can be helpful reminders that we are indebted to God and nothing else. Nothing else should rule our desires and passions.
Pick something in your life that you are dependent on each day to go without for a set amount of time and be with God, asking that he reorder your desires.
Pathways Podcast:
Prayer (part 2)
Scott & Peter discuss solitude and fasting.
also available on these platforms