Inductive Bible Study
The Inductive Bible Study (IBS) method is an approach to studying scripture to gain clarity to the author’s intended meaning and its relevance within our world.
Pick a book of the Bible.
Read through the whole book – determine the most important idea.
Try to do this in one sitting if possible. If it must be broken up into separate days, determine the most important idea from what you read each day and how those fit together into one major idea at the end of the book.
Mark recurring words or concepts that the author keeps using (for instance, the Gospel of Mark uses the word “immediately” a lot).
Reflect on why we should know these things, why these things matter in regards to Jesus’ death and resurrection, and use your answers to speak to God concerning those things.
Read through the whole book again – determine the most important idea of each chapter.
Again, try to do this in one sitting if possible. Mark up more recurring words or concepts you didn’t notice before.
Reflect on why we should know these things, why these things matter in regards to Jesus’ death and resurrection, and use your answers to speak to God concerning those things.
Read through the first chapter – determine the most important idea of each paragraph.
Do this in one sitting. Mark up any recurring words or concepts you didn’t notice before.
Is there any verse or passage that the Holy Spirit is making stick out to you? Write it out. Try to memorize it.
Reflect on why we should know these things, why these things matter in regards to Jesus’ death and resurrection, and use your answers to speak to God concerning those things.
Repeat step 4 until you finish the book.
If there are words, concepts, passages difficult to understand or that you have questions about, consult a commentary. A commentary is a book written about certain books of the Bible that help give more historical, literary, and theological help in understanding its original intention. Here are two options of where to start: 1. Stop by the Pathways Center next time you are on campus and we can help you find a commentary to assist you in your study. or 2. Follow the link to the NIV Application Commentary Series and order the book of the Bible that corresponds with your study.
Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him. Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.
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Contact Scott.