Lament / Psalms
There are times when our prayers to God are simply the groans and aches of our soul. When it seems like darkness or isolation are all that you possess, praying the Psalms can be a great aide in both articulating your desperation, and resolving your heart to praise.
Psalms are the prayers and songs that the people of God have lifted up to God over centuries. When we pray Psalms and laments, we do so not in isolation, but in solidarity with those who have experienced the same sorrow and aches we do. Most importantly, we share in the prayers that Jesus himself would have lifted up to God. Below are some Psalms that are able to be used as prayers as you spend time with the Father, but the entire Psalm book is a window into the prayers Jesus prayed.
Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your wrath.
Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint;
heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
My soul is in deep anguish.
How long, Lord, how long?
Turn, Lord, and deliver me;
save me because of your unfailing love.
Among the dead no one proclaims your name.
Who praises you from the grave?
I am worn out from my groaning.
All night long I flood my bed with weeping
and drench my couch with tears.
My eyes grow weak with sorrow;
they fail because of all my foes.
Away from me, all you who do evil,
for the Lord has heard my weeping.
The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
the Lord accepts my prayer.
All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish;
they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame.
Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him. Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.
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