Scripture Meditation

Meditating on Scripture is a way to use scripture to inform our thoughts, feelings, and prayers.

Lectio Divina is a process of steps to allow scripture to inform our thoughts, feelings, and prayers. It’s supposed to be slow and steady, ruminating on the words of God as you are with him. This isn’t supposed to be a study of the Bible, but a receiving of it. You can use any scriptural passage in this practice, but below are steps you can use to work through this process and an example of how you might engage it.

If you don’t know what passage to start with, here are some suggestions:


An app available through Apple or Google with guided prayers you can listen to or read each morning and evening.

Pathways Podcast:
Bible (part 1)

Scott & Peter discuss daily bible reading, memorizing, and meditating on Scripture. 

also available on these platforms

Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him.  Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.

Have questions?
Contact Scott.

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