Unique space that we carve out to rest in the provisions of God, the sovereignty of God, with the people of God.
Sabbath is an intentional decision that is first modeled by God in the act of creation. When God saw that his creation was good, it says he rested. This same space of contentment and delight is what God also called all of the Israelites to practice, and it became a sign of the Mosaic covenant and the promises that were exchanged between people and God. They were supposed to refrain from work or daily activities and instead enjoy God and those around them. The intentional space created for this was designed to remind people that their provisions came from God, so they didn’t always need to be working for them, that God was sovereign, and so they didn’t need to worry whether he would deliver, and that this was for their benefit, so they should enjoy it.
Jesus continued to clarify that the Sabbath was a gift made for Man, not to rule over him. This was traditionally practiced by Jews when the sun went down on Friday until the sun went down on Saturday – but this practice was adjusted to fit the disruption of Christ’s resurrection, which took place on Sunday morning. Our Sunday gatherings then actually become a place to sabbath. To rest and worship, enjoying the provisions of God and the trust of his Word as displayed in Jesus.
Therefore to set time apart to enjoy these things in God and with his people is a great way to be with him.
Here are some helpful tips as you enjoy Sabbath:
Pick a specific time you can enjoy God and his people.
Try to plan ahead so that tasks don’t disrupt your time.
Put people above practice – Sabbath is about enjoying life, so when that can be extended to others it should be, even if it disrupts your time.
Pick activities that foster worship and joy.
Pathways Podcast:
Scott and Peter talk about Sabbath – what it is and isn’t – and some recommendations to start integrating it into your rhythms.
also available on these platforms
Pathways is meant to show you key avenues to commune with God, so that our lives are characterized by living them with him. Through Pathways we can KNOW GOD, GROW IN GOD, and GO WITH GOD.
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Contact Scott.