Alyssa Tournear • Children’s Minister

About Alyssa
“I am at Christ’s Church because I believe in the mission to walk alongside individuals and families to help them find completeness in Jesus. The members of Christ’s Church make up a family that desires for all people to know and love Jesus, and that’s a family I want to be a part of! I have the opportunity to serve on the Children’s Ministry staff as one of the Children’s Ministers for kindergarten-fourth graders. I am most excited to serve Christ’s Church by helping provide an enriching, engaging environment for children to learn that they are known, valued, and loved by God and by the Church.”
Alyssa married her husband, Cameron, on July 17, 2021. They have one daughter, Mabel.
Favorite Pastime: Going on walks with my dog, Walter
Favorite Movie: Up
Favorite Invention: Heated blankets!!!