Bekah Behnke • Special Needs Minister

About Bekah
“I am at Christ’s Church because I can’t imagine being anywhere else. Christ’s Church has been my home church since I was two. I am so in love with the community here. God has always put disability ministry on my heart and I love being at a church that is a welcoming and accommodating place for these sweet students and adults. I get to love students with disabilities and teach them the love of God. I am spoiled to work with students and volunteers who are hungry to learn more about God.”
Bekah married her husband Kevin on August 13, 2011. They have three children, Millie, Josie and Walter.
Bekah’s favorite pastime: Spending time with friends and family at our farm house, especially by a bonfire!
Bekah’s favorite local place to eat: Eagle Drive-In
Bekah’s favorite vacation: Hard to name one, we love traveling. My favorite is when we get to stay at a bed and breakfast.
Bekah’s story
Bekah and her husband Kevin share their story with Scott on this episode of the Pathways Podcast.
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